Public Math Coasters

If you happen into a happy hour where one of the Public Math crew is in attendance, the odds are better than even that they're packing either math toys or a new math problem they're working on.

One of our principles is to design for place, and with that in mind we wondered what we could design to encourage math at happy hour. Sticker Mule provided the answer: coasters!

After a few hours of prototyping and design work, more than a few dollars paid to Sticker Mule, and a few days of waiting, we were up and running.

If you see Molly, Chris, or Christopher at a happy hour this spring, say "Hi!", grab a few coasters and snap a photo of what you make. Share the questions and problems that arise as you play.

If you want to print or adapt our designs, here are links to the Adobe Illustrator files, which you're free to use, modify, and propagate freely.

Got an idea, but no coasters? Play with a simple digital version here.