Chicago Zine Fest 2019

On May 18, 2019, zinesters from across the country came to Union Plumbers Hall in Chicago’s west loop to browse, trade, and sell zines with one another. What’s a zine? Zines (pronounced ZEEN) are self-published booklets, usually reproduced via photocopier.

CZF was our first foray into zine culture so we were curious as to how we would be received. People were not expecting to see a math-centered zine, but this led to a lot of great conversations - usually starting with “what is this about?” By the end of the day, we had given away 125 zines to CZF attendees. If you couldn’t be there, don’t worry, all of the zines we make are publicly available for you to download, print, modify, and share.

Check out the photos from CZF below! Let us know if you have any questions!

That’s a lot of zinesters.

That’s a lot of zinesters.

The Public Math zine table!

The Public Math zine table!

Creative zinesters left behind patterns for others to explore.

Creative zinesters left behind patterns for others to explore.